National and local groups seem to be swinging nature-based solutions squarely into focus as our next best option for survival in a changing world.

After a year of reviving the healing mission of a mountaintop retreat in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, our property management work there has come to a close, and we are widening nature connections for all from our home base in Kansas City. Our time in the country brought some valuable lessons about restrictive land use laws, 'other-isms' and the urban/rural divide in the United States.
But operating in a world-famous tourist town taught us the most meaningful takeaway: People from all over the globe feel their own need to connect with empowerment from nature's cradle, even as the qualities of that cradle change around them.
Once people begin widely loving on nature, scientists expect that nature will love us right back. Nationally, more people in the U.S. are adopting the idea that healthy, respectful, environmentally healing connections to nature are vital to human survival and thriving. The White House even weighed in on this issue this past Tuesday, releasing a statement that has us surprised to be right in line with a federal effort!
So what will it take to win more hearts over to the Earth-cooperation philosophy? The gathering and in-person listening we've done literally from coast to coast since the start of the pandemic, revealed various voices calling out for the same essential imperatives to be done ASAP:
Regular, unique group project demonstrations showing what respectful, people-led connections to the Earth can look like.
Group cultural expressions (i.e. story, song, food, fashion, dancing and crafting reflecting good works done.)
Unabashedly honest expressions of project needs.
Openness to diverse contributions.
To see more people settle into peace, comfort and belonging around nature's gifts, we commit to expressing these principles in our own practice of gathering for restorative purposes in the coming year. And we're nearly done developing a virtual course for people wanting to study grouping/community method.
Of course, you can try out how being in a caring action-group feels in person, at one of our upcoming events accomplishing mutual good with nature. We're honored to be walking this path alongside you.
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